So many people out there have blogs and have had them for awhile. I've never understood the whole blog thing but then again I'm not a big writer. I do however have a great passion for photography and have been perusing other photog's blogs for months now. There is so much talent out there it is simply overwhelming and when you are just starting out I must say it is intimidating! On the other hand...everyone had to start somewhere...they were'nt just born amazing photographers. They read everything they could possibly get their eyes on, they played with their camera and practiced on everything they could and little by little their talent and passion grew. I am following in their footsteps and taking in all the information I can so one day, I too can have a sucessful photography business. It's time to get serious, buckle down and get the ball rolling!
To start off the blog, here is a fun picture of the duck pond game at the carnival my hubby, 3 kids and I attended this past Saturday.