Saturday we made the drive out west to Marble Falls. For some crazy reason we thought some manual labor would be fun....and it was! We had a great time picking strawberries, pulling onions and digging for potatoes! I've never pulled onions or dug potatoes before, it was actually really fun, it was also the kids first time strawberry picking.
The farm had some animals, horses, goats, donkeys and girl thought they were hysterical, she was laughing up a storm! This one family set there strawberry basket down to go pet the donkeys, well they set it a bit too close to the fence because the horse had a field day with those red luscious berries! I didn't have my camera with me while he was chowing down but I did catch the aftermath:)

Babygirl chilling in her stroller, her belly full of home made berry berry ice cream:)

The first time I've shared my son on the blog (isn't he a handsome guy!?) he is in the middle of enjoying his ice cream...strawberry flavor!